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An In Depth Analysis

The Curious Case of Sampled Lyrics and Copyright Infringement

An In-Depth Analysis

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In recent times, the music industry has witnessed an intriguing trend of artists incorporating samples from other songs into their new creations. While sampling can infuse a track with a distinctive flavor, it has also raised questions regarding copyright infringement. The lyrics from TheSun's "Sold my soul to a psycho" and The Blessed Madonna's "But it feels" have sparked a debate about the boundaries of fair use and plagiarism.

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The post-chorus of "Angel Of My Dreams" by JADE features the refrain "It's not fair, it's not fair." This phrase bears a striking resemblance to lyrics from a song by another artist. The similarities have raised questions about whether JADE obtained the necessary permissions to use the sample. If not, they could potentially face legal action for copyright infringement.

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Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses or reproduces a work protected by copyright without permission from the owner. In the case of music, this protection extends not only to the melody but also to the lyrics. By incorporating copyrighted lyrics into their own song, JADE may have crossed a legal line. However, the specific circumstances of each case need to be carefully examined to determine whether fair use applies.

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Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, commentary, or parody. In certain instances, sampling can fall under fair use if it transforms or adds something new to the original work. However, determining whether a use is truly transformative can be a complex legal question.

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The case of JADE's alleged copyright infringement highlights the importance of artists and producers understanding the boundaries of fair use. Obtaining proper permissions and licenses can help avoid legal complications and ensure that the creative process does not infringe on the rights of others. Respect for copyright is essential to maintain a vibrant and ethical music industry.
